The concept of "working mom" has been overdone. Discussed for too long, assigned too many buzz words ("mom guilt"), and entangled in conspiracy theories (recently heard a story about how working moms unknowingly assist formula companies because breastfeeding is unfairly limited in the work place). While we can discuss a myriad of issues, I know the difficulty I face in making large decisions like going away for the weekend or in committing to small things like coffee with a friend finds it's root in my desire to make up for the time I lose with my son while I work.
For instance, today's a snow day. I can finally catch up on laundry, possibly wash the kitchen floor, and vacuum the house. But I feel as if I should organize Luke's play for the day, stay by his side and pretend to be a mom who doesn't work. Yet, I don't know what that looks like. This is a new sort of pressure I'm feeling.
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14 years ago